So here’s the thing; I found this location at Ivangie’s Photo Studio, if you have been following along the first time I visited was for the engagement session we did in July, 2020. I loveee classic cars like soo much. I grew up with my dad always working on some sort of car and we always went to the yearly father’s day car shows. Anyone else do this? This place is located in Gibbons, Ab. They have an assortment of cars available to model by or in.
Rachel is one of my brand ambassadors and I have known her and her wife Jess for about a year n half. First I wanted to show and celebrate LGBTQ community to the max, but in a fun way ya know? I asked them to model for me and we started to plan the entire shoot! They were so excited! I honestly think within the hour of mentioning the idea of it, Rachel bought her dress!

I knew going into this photoshoot that If I put Jess in a dress also she would feel extremely uncomfortable! So greaser was the perfect solution. We gathered our ideas together and quickly started to plan a date. I love doing styled portrait sessions! This means I get to be creative and plan the entire look. Also pin-up… is one of my favorite genres. I may have been guilty to also dress for the occasion. You can see those highlights on my Instagram
Or a full behind the scenes video on tiktok! @starklifexo

I love this! The vibe, the cars, the look that they are giving eachother in each photo! Absolutely beautiful!