I love being creative; and with that… comes creative projects. In the photography community, we sometimes add in challenges to be on our toes in the industry. Whatever your reason to do them, they are defiantly fun and I recommend them to any level or artist.
Every year we try our best to head out to my Mother in laws house in Livelong, Saskatchewan. This time it was for Thanksgiving. Previously I knew that my niece would be there as well and I asked her in advance if she would like to model for me for this project. She said yes, and was excited to help me! We went ahead and did the photo shoot the first night we arrived as it was a gorgeous sunset night and we wanted to take advantage of just that.

It was so fun to work with my niece on this project, and it was fun to chat with her asking if she told her friends about this. She said she did tell her friends and was like “I’m modeling a skirt this weekend!”

She was awesome at following directions, and it was super fun to make up a story line for her. I’d love to do these again!

The best part was to see how much fun she was having!

I can’t wait to print these off for my family! So much fun!

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