I first heard about the Morin Family, back in April. It all started with seeing a post in a military spouse group, looking for meal help for this family. Now If you have met me I can’t cook very well… but I’m not bad at baking. So that’s just what I did; I baked some banana bread & since it was near Easter some classic cookies but with mini eggs in them! Psst… It was really hard not to eat all of those while baking, they were so good!
Beth gave birth to her new baby girl little miss Emilia, born at 695g/ 1lb 8oz!! I guess I have never met a preemie baby, because I never truly realized how tiny that was… now reading that weight over, that’s crazy!
After 110 days, Emilia has finally been discharged and is back home with her family, this was on July 26th & I met her on Aug 25th, 2019.

Beth, her mom said the diaper on the left was her first size, and even that was too big. I just had to get a comparison photo. I knew when I heard about this family I just wanted to give the extra hand. I offered a mini session to their family when they were ready and a little stronger. I am recently adding in more lifestyle feel of in-home-sessions, and so far I love the outcome and experience.

With four older siblings at home waiting for Emilia, she’s already surrounded by love. There was sooo much love in this family going around, it was a pleasure photographing them.

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